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Staying on Track: Recovering from Setbacks

Building Resilience: How to Recover from Setbacks

At some point in your academic career, you might face a setback of some kind. Maybe it will be a particularly tough course that seems insurmountable, unforeseen financial difficulties or a family matter that affects your schoolwork.

It’s important to realize that nearly everyone faces a setback of some sort. You’re not alone, and encountering challenges isn’t a sign that you’ve made the wrong choice. How you deal with setbacks makes the difference. Here are tips for coping with setbacks and staying on track.

Recognize setbacks as opportunities for growth

Being afraid to face setbacks head on can prevent you from succeeding. In contrast, learning to overcome setbacks can help you adapt and move forward. 

Overcoming setbacks can help you build resilience. And when you build resilience, you can find ways to manage stress, improve your well-being and be more satisfied in your personal and professional life. Increased confidence and perseverance can often follow. The key is to process your setbacks, allow yourself time to recover, grow from what you’ve learned, and continue on your path. Strayer alum Evelyn Fitzgerald, who earned her BBA, sums it up nicely: "Take any obstacles and use them as fuel to keep going." 

Setbacks are inevitable, not inescapable

Everyone faces setbacks. As a student, not every class you take will come easy to you. At work, you’ll have good days and bad days, and rolling with the tide can help you to move forward. When a setback happens, remind yourself that this is normal, and begin looking for ways to overcome your challenges rather than obsessing over them. 

A challenge or setback is no reflection on you as a person or a student. The key is how you deal with the setback, not that the setback happened in the first place.

Give yourself time

That’s not to say setbacks don’t hurt. Don’t deny your feelings; give yourself some time to work through your frustration or discouragement. Taking a step back to gather your thoughts is healthy. It helps you identify your options for regrouping and moving forward. Unless there’s a crucial reason for taking immediate action, taking time to step back, reflect and assess the situation can help you think more clearly. It can also give you the chance to reach out to trusted advisors for advice.

Don’t go it alone

No one wants to see you struggle. Especially those who may be part of your educational or professional journey, like your mentors. Never be afraid to ask for help. It shows courage, not weakness, to admit you need a helping hand.

For example, if your schedule is overloaded and causing you to make mistakes and overlook things, ask for help. You may be feeling overwhelmed with an upcoming paper or perhaps you’re really having trouble grasping the content from one of your classes. For many situations, Strayer University has excellent support resources, like Strayer’s Center for Well-Being. With just a few clicks, students can access a team of dedicated professionals whose focus is helping them find solutions to achieving their academic goals. 

Remember, setbacks are speed bumps – they’re not the end of the road. Very few are insurmountable. The key is learning from them and being willing to ask for help if needed. More importantly, the fear of setbacks should never hinder you from working toward your goals. 

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Category: Motivation & Inspiration

Published Date: AUGUST 2, 2024