Personalized Education Plan
How much is college tuition?
Your tuition may vary, depending on the degree program, time it takes to graduate and which scholarships are available. Use this calculator for a personalized estimate of what a Strayer degree could cost you in time and money.
Estimate the cost of your degree
Personalized tuition and program length estimate
The estimate is yours to modify and keep. Have it handy when you meet your admissions officer, so you can explore your savings options in greater detail.
Estimate the cost of your degree
Personalized tuition and program length estimate
The estimate is yours to modify and keep. Have it handy when you meet your admissions officer, so you can explore your savings options in greater detail.
Expected Graduation
Approximate Total
Step 1
of 4
Time commitment
Calculate the approximate time commitment of your degree.
Course load | ... courses/term |
Classroom time | ... hours/week |
Terms per year | ... terms |
Terms to graduation | ... terms |
Cost analysis
Calculate the approximate cost of your degree
Tuition | ... |
Books | ... |
Fees | ... |
No-cost gen ed | $0 |
Transfer credits | ... |
$5K scholarship | $0 |
$4K scholarship | $0 |
Graduation Fund | $0 |
Approximate total | ... |
Are you a Strayer graduate?
Personalized tuition and program length estimate
Ready for what’s next?
- Review your Strayer program-specific requirements.
- Complete the quick, no-cost application to Strayer University, online.
- Log in to the admissions portal to verify your identity, send us your official transcripts, choose your preferred payment method and select what course you’re interested in.
- Connect with your admissions officer before you start your first class. Talk through any final questions you may have and officially register for your courses.
Additional resources to reduce tuition
You may be eligible for the following cost-saving opportunities and resources. Connect with our admissions team to learn more.